What is Online Reputation Management? Online Reputation Management or ORM is a process of creating & maintaining your or your company’s brand name online positively through Google searches, Social media sites, social networking sites, reviews, micro blogs, question answer sites, video sites …

If you are starting an online business or for your own personal branding, then Online Reputation Management program is very important for you. The internet has become an easily accessible medium for all and that’s why there are many people who will find about you online.

If you have some negative information about your business somewhere then people will read about it and your brand value will fall down. The reputation management services make sure that people only find the good things about you so that you come out as a reputed business. It has become one of the key factors of the modern day online business where branding is very important.

It is important for online brands to maintain their online reputation. The number of users checking up for branded products and services on the internet is rising steadily. Google and other search engines often throw up reviews and discussion posts about products and services.

It has been seen that many online business owners have this idea that they don’t need an Online Reputation Management service unless they face anything negative on the internet. The truth is that you need it from the very beginning to make sure that you start of with the best possible face for your business.