These ads bring profitable opportunities in digital marketing formats
These small ads make the most of all the information users share on social media to offer them content as highly personalized as possible, and, as such, conversion opportunities.
How are social ads campaigns designed? What images and text is used, in what context do they work, and what’s the strategy we being followed?
The truth is that on other digital platforms, users are already quite willing to go through the conversion process – after all, more often than not, the reason they came across the product is because they were searching for specific keywords which happen to be related. With social ads, on the other hand, we show our product to users who coincide with our target audience, but who don’t necessarily know our brand or weren’t thinking of buying the product.
Which is why, with social media advertising, we come across very different strategies when dealing with communities vs ads, and organic vs. paid content. The massages’ tone, the content itself and the user behaviour is different in each situation.
When our social ads objectives are goals such as installations, purchases, registrations, etc., it is important to design all the variables in the campaign to strengthen the conversion process. It just so happens, that the interaction with the ad’s image is, without a doubt, the first step of that process. Now that we know what to look out for when it comes to advertising on social media and social ad design, let’s look into the various media we can work with.